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The king of hard work

If there is one thing Jake King believes in more than anything else, it’s the value of hard work.

King’s high energy and aggressive style of play has made him a fan favourite at Tigerland, although he’s had his bumps along the road.

Richmond’s cult hero doesn’t have the natural talents of many of his teammates and has had to work hard for every opportunity he’s got.

“I have to work my rear-end off. It wasn’t until the day I got drafted that I realised reality has kicked in,” he says.

The Tigers small forward was working as a roof tiler with his brother and a few friends when he heard the news that he had been drafted.

“We were listening to it and when we heard my name get called out we packed the tools up and went straight to the pub for a counter meal and a few pots.”

This type of attitude is what makes King so popular. He also realises how lucky he has been.

“To achieve something that you never thought you were capable of doing was outstanding.”

“To achieve something that you never thought you were capable of doing was outstanding.”

“No words can explain what not only me but everyone around me went through. I look back now and all I can do is smile about it, all I can do is laugh.”

“People say you’re living the dream, to me it still feels like a dream.”

That dream has extended to 100 games for the Tigers, where he played a valuable role in the Tigers forward line in their first finals campaign in 12 years this September.

King’s size was not the only hindrance in making it to the AFL, some personal problems along the way also made it tough.

“There were a lot of personal issues going on in my life, with my family that you don’t wish upon anyone.”

“It’s something that I’ve never spoken about and I never will. People close to me know exactly what was happening and what was going on.”

Off the field, King likes to visit the tattoo parlor and get his good friend to add to his already impressive collection of ink. He knows the influence AFL footballers can have and he wants his to be a positive one.

“People forget that we are human, so football is our job and it’s what we do, but in saying that we all have feelings, we all go through issues.”

“This is a life we choose. If you don’t want to be in the spotlight, don’t play the game.”

When the time comes and King hangs up the boots, he’ll do so knowing he gave his all, but also knowing there’s more to life.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love football and it’s here right now, but the more important thing to me is family and my closest friends.”

For the time being King is loving life and more than happy to be a Tiger.

“I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Words by Ben Collins